Na povabilo ge. Corinne Samouilla, Chargée de Mission Europe et Programmes Européens pour la DGER, se predstavnika študentov IC Piramida Maribor Višje strokovne šole udeležujeta tekmovanja v poznavanju francoskih vin – Wine tasting competition by young students (CJPV) v okviru Internacional Agricultur Show -a v Parizu. Dogodek bo potekal od 23. 2. 2015 do 26. 2. 2015, tekmovala pa bosta študenta 2. letnika: Luka Glinšek in Sebastjan Onič. Spremljevalki, ki sta pomagali pri pripravah na tekmovanje in bosta zanju srčno navijali, bosta predavateljici Višje strokovne šole Zdenka Masten in Tamara Kovač.
Podrobnosti s tekmovanja sledijo v mesecu marcu.
At the invitation of Mrs Corinne Samouilla, Chargée de Mission Europe Programmes Européens et pour la DGER, two students from EC Piramida Maribor, Higher Vocational College are attending a contest in French wine knowledge – Wine tasting competition by young students (CJPV) within Internacional Agricultura Show State or Paris. The event will take place from 23. 2. 2015 to 26.2. 2015. Our representatives are the second year students Luka Glinšek and Sebastjan Onič. Lecturers Zdenka Masten, who has helped students in preparation for the contest, and Tamara Kovač will accompany them and will be rooting for them in Paris.
Further details to follow in March.