Namen Erasmus+ KA2 projekta Creating a hybrid learning model elective course “Holiday pastries of different Europe nations” – Izdelava hibridnega učnega modela izbirni predmet “Praznično pecivo različnih evropskih narodov” je bil ustvariti hibridni učni tečaj za pripravo slaščic in pekovskega peciva ter preizkusiti tečaj z dijaki iz vseh partnerskih držav – Estonije, Finske, Latvije, Litve in Slovenije. Projekt podpira tudi izboljšanje učiteljev z namenom osvajanja digitalnih veščin, z aktivnim sodelovanjem pri ustvarjanju in pilotiranju tečajev. Cilj projekta je bil ustvariti močno strokovno mrežo učiteljev, spodbujati mednarodno sodelovanje in izboljšati jezikovne sposobnosti udeležencev.
Trajanje projekta: 1. 12. 2021 – 30. 11. 2023
Vodilni partner: Tartu Vocational College, Estonija
Partnerji: Salo Region Vocational College, Finska
Riga Technical school of tourism and creative industry, Latvija
Kuldiga Technology and tourism technical school, Latvija
Utena regional centre of educational training, Litva
Izobraževalni center Piramida Maribor, Slovenija
Več informacij na spletni strani projekta:
The project “Creating a hybrid learning model elective course “Holiday pastries of different Europe nations” aim was to create a student centered and engaging hybrid learning course for baker confectionery studies and pilot the course with students from all partner countries. It also supports enhancement of teachers and students digital skills through active participation in course creation and piloting. Thirdly the project aimed to create a strong professional network of teachers, foster international cooperation and enhance participants’ language skills.
Duration of the project: 1. 12. 2021 – 30. 11. 2023
Lead partner: Tartu Vocational College, Estonia
Partners: Salo Region Vocational College, Finland
Riga Technical school of tourism and creative industry, Latvia
Kuldiga Technology and tourism technical school, Latvia
Utena regional centre of educational training, Lithuania
Educational centre Piramida Maribor, Slovenia
More informations on web page of the project: